Friday, August 8, 2008

small joys of my half-sunny, half-cloudy friday

-listening to a mix that kicked off with Alanis Morrissette's "Hand in My Pocket" and remembering how much more I relate to her now than when "Jagged Little Pill" never left my stereo in the '90s. And how refreshing and kick ass that feels.
-cleaning out my glove box only to find a note Emmy wrote me months ago that wished me good luck on my presentation and said she loved me or some kind of friend thing.
-talking to my brother about politics and feeling mature about the matter -- knowing I've cast some pretty blind ballots and how I know now that voting for the lesser of two evils certainly isn't the answer to any of the problems in this so-called free state we live in.
-thinking about when Todd, Emmy, Kim and I went to that protest in D.C. and remembering how many smiles were on our faces. I particularly remembered when we all bombarded that guy with hugs. This reminded me of how much times I, too, have been bombarded with hugs.
-eating a lunch a friend prepared.
-packing for a few days away with my family.
-going on a three-mile jaunt via bicycle and having kittens chase me through Indian Rocks development.
-the cherry popsicle I devoured upon arriving back at my house.

Try listing some small joys sometime. My day isn't even half over yet -- I still haven't even gone to work! Look at how much you have to be gracious for every day. It'll startle you.

Edit: Add to the list the bunch of delicious buttercream cupcakes brought in for me at work because tomorrow's my last day at The Times.


Anonymous said...

cherry isn't your favorite. grape is. -jordan

Matthew said...

Hey Kendra it's Matt. Sorry it took me so long to reply to you. I admit that I chose this particular post to comment on because you posted it on my birthday. Anyway I appreciate your positivity and your waxing upon the simple profundity of just counting your blessings. Life is good. I can say this and my friend is currently dying. You are so right. My blog is